Arnaud Lyon-Caen


Public and private law graduate and laureate of the faculty of law in Paris, Arnaud Lyon-Caen became a lawyer in Paris in 1951. In 1956, he became a first “Secrétaire” of the “Conférence de Stage” and became a barrister to the Council of State and the Supreme Court in 1957.

His firm of councils of state barristers became a private professional company in 1978 including two other partners, Françoise Fabiani and Louis Liard, who was replaced by Frédéric Thiriez in 1990.

His long professional experience enabled him to offer highly specialised legal and judicial assistance in the most technical aspects of private, public and criminal law.

Personal activities and distinctions

Officer of the French Legion of Honour

Former member of the governing board of the Ordre des Avocats aux Conseils

Vice President of the Association Capitant working to develop the French legal culture

Vice President of the Association Française des Juristes Democrats and representing it on the Prime Minister’s human rights consultative commission until 2009

President of the Association Tutélaire des Inadaptés de Paris (guardianship) association

President of the “conciliation, mediation” group responsible for preparing the Council of State report on alternative means of settling disputes: Régler autrement les conflits : conciliation, transaction, arbitrage en matière administrative (EDCE, La Documentation Française, 1993)

Member of the French criminal law council instituted by decree dated 28 November 1968 to the Ministers of Justice Capitant, Pleven and Taittinger

Member of the commission charged by Mr Taittinger, French Minister of Justice, with examining a general reform of financial penalties (1973-74)

Member of the Supreme Court reform commission instituted by the Minister of Justice (1981-1982)

Member of the commission charged by the Minister of Justice with examining the reform of the status of the judiciary (1982-1983)

Member of the working group charged by the Minister of Justice with examining the assumptions and conditions under which public corporations may make use of arbitration to settle disputes, with the exception of those relating to litigation as regards unilateral administrative acts (2006-2007)

Contributions and training

2001: Conference at the Nantes law faculty on The Supreme Court at the dawn of the 21st century

1997: Speech on The current challenges to the freedom of expression to the Association Française des Juristes Démocrates seminar

1995: Contribution to the debate organised to celebrate 40 years of the A.J.D.A. on Issues for administrative law

1994: Speech at the Rencontres du Handicap en Ile de France organised by the Fédération Mutualiste Interdépartementale de la Région Parisienne, on the topic of The guardianship decision

1992: Interview on The reform of criminal procedure in the Juristes Démocrates revue, no. 1

1989: Contribution to a seminar organised by Hospices Civils de Lyon on the topic of user information and out of court settlements of medical liability disputes

1985: Communication to a debate on The causes of inefficiency in civil justice

Works and publications

A propos du rôle de l’avocat aux Conseils dans le dialogue des juridictions suprêmes avec le juge communautaire (Justice et Cassation, 2009 p. 62)

Vers une procédure de dialogue interactif du juge et du justiciable, in Mélanges en l’Honneur de Daniel Labetoulle (Dalloz 2007, p. 585)

L’Etat étranger devant le juge étatique dans le contentieux économique international (Revue de l’arbitrage, no. 3/2003, in collaboration with D. Lefort)

Révolution dans le droit des accidents du travail (Cour de Cassation, Chambre Sociale, 28 February 2002), Droit Social April 2002

Observations orales des avocats dans les procédures écrites, in Mélanges Drai (Dalloz, 2000)

Sur la transaction en droit administratif (A.J.D.A. 1997, p.48)

L’avocat devant le juge administratif et l’Etat de droit : un mineur en voie d’émancipation, in Mélanges Braibant (Dalloz, 1996)

L’émergence d’un droit des salariés à l’information, Contribution to the December 1991 Issues seminar, Cahiers de Recherches d’Économie Politique (1994)

De Nuremberg au procès Barbie, speech at the international seminar on the Nuremburg trials organised by the Université Libre de Bruxelles (27 March 1987)

L’effectivité des décisions de justice en droit international privé français, report to the Capitant congress (1985)

“Publicité-propagande”, concluding speech to the Congrès Capitant congress in Lisbon (1983)

Les répercussions des appréciations des médecins du travail, Droit Social 1980, special issue, p.71

Guide des sursis d’incorporation pour études, Coll. Que sais-je?, P.U.F. (1960), in collaboration with Me F. Sarda